Tips for Removing Water from your Ear Canal

We know water inside our ears is bad news, it can be uncomfortable and increase our changes of getting an early infection. 

Here’s our top tips for removing any….

👂🏻Jiggle your earlobe gently, or gently pull your earlobe whilst tilting your head towards your shoulder

👂🏻Place a towel on a pillow. Lie on your side and allow gravity to drain the water from your ear.

👂🏻When on its lowest setting a hair dryer can help evaporate the water. Hold the dryer at least a foot away from your ear. Do not use heat.

👂🏻Try steam inhalation, Hold your face over a bowl of steaming water, and cover your head with a towel. After 5-10 minutes come away from the steam and tilt your head to the side. Be very careful and do not use boiling water.

👂🏻Yawn or Chew. Chewing gum or yawning can relieve tension in your eustation tubes.

👂🏻Insert a few drops of olive oil, then lie on the side you inserted it to for 10 minutes

REMEMBER never insert anything smaller than your elbow into your ear canal.


Did you know your ears are actually self cleaning?


Swimmers Ear