Our Services
Appointments are available at our local clinic
Microsuction Treatment
Ear wax is gently and safely removed using a small, sterile suction device . We’ll begin by taking a detailed history and carry out a full assessment and examination of your ears. If wax is present and microsuction suitable we’ll discuss the procedure through and answer any questions you may have.
Ear Assessment
We’ll carry out a full assessment and examination of your ears. If there isn’t any ear wax to remove, or microsuction isn’t suitable, we’ll provide ear care information and advice. We also utilise the latest in micro camera technology, which allows us to provide images of inside your ear should an onward referral to your GP be required for further investigation.
If you need to be seen urgently or you cannot find a suitable appointment online please call and we will try our best to see you as soon as possible.
Benefits of Microsuction
Microsuction is now the ‘gold standard’ for ear wax removal. It’s far safer than syringing as there is no water being forced into the ear under pressure.
There are very few people for whom microsuction is not suitable. It is the recommended procedure for wax removal for people with a perforated eardrum.
Very little preparation is needed to carry out the procedure. Where possible, we do recommend using olive oil for approximately three days before the procedure.

What to expect at an appointment?
Rebecca and Joanna will begin by taking a detailed history and carry out a full assessment and examination of your ears. If wax is present and microsuction suitable they will then discuss the procedure through and answer any questions you may have.
Microsuction is carried out using high magnification ‘loupes’ then, a fine, sterile suction device is used to gently remove the wax.
Rebecca and Joanna use high quality equipment, including and custom made ‘Carl Ziess’ loupes – widely used by the leading surgeons and dentists. This enables them to see directly into your ear canal and in minute detail. It also allows depth-perception so that wax can be specifically targeted and gently removed with minimal risk and fuss.
Exeter Ear Matters also utilise the latest in micro camera technology, allowing you to see what they see, inside your ear – if you wish! This is also a particularly useful tool, should an onward referral to your GP be required for further investigation.

What people are saying.
“The Nurse was fantastic. She gave a clear outline of the procedure and good advice on caring for my ears in the future. I found being able to see the wax in my ear canal with the camera really interesting, and the after picture amazing!
The whole experience felt safe during this strange time with COVID, and a relief to hear again.”
Why Microsuction?
Microsuction is now the gold standard for removing ear wax and is a safer and more comfortable alternative to ear irrigation or ‘syringing’. The procedure is carried out under high magnification and a fine, sterile suction device gently removes the wax.
Is Microsuction suitable for everyone?
There are very few reasons that microsuction cannot be performed; these include:
If you have experienced difficulties with the procedure in the past
Have a history of severe dizziness
Have a major sensitivity to loud noise (hyperacusis)
You are unable to hold your head still or are prone to unpredictable head movements
Is microscution safe if I have a perforated ear drum?
Yes, in fact, it is the recommended gold standard if you have a perforation.
Does Microsuction hurt?
Not usually, however it can be noisy and your ear canal skin is sensitive. We use high magnification to visualise your ear and ensure that only the wax is targeted.
Do I need to use oil or drops before my appointment?
Yes, we recommend that olive oil is applied for about 3-4 days prior to your appointment. It is gentle, lubricates the skin inside the ear and softens the plug of wax in order to aid wax removal.
Can I fly after having Microsuction?
Absolutely. In fact, we recommend checking that your ears are not completely blocked prior to travel, and removing excess wax because this will cause unequal pressure.
How much does Microscution cost?
The charge is £68 for a clinic appointment
What if no wax is found?
If on examination there is no wax blocking your ears, you will only be charged for an assessment fee of £38, which covers the cost of your consultation and examination. We will also be able to give you ear care advice.
Why do we have ear wax?
Ear wax, is naturally occurring and has an important role in cleaning and lubricating our ears. It traps foreign bodies - preventing them from going deeper into the ear canal. It is also slightly acidic, giving it anti-bacterial properties.
The problem comes when we produce too much; resulting in a build up or blockage, which can lead to hearing loss, pain, vertigo or tinnitus.
Why do I make so much wax?
There are lots of reasons for excessive ear wax; narrowed or hairy ear canals, older age, the use of hearing aids or ear plugs and even cotton buds. Anxiety, stress, diet and genetics may also contribute to the problem.
How often should I have Microsuction?
Everyone is different and there are many reasons why wax can build up and become a problem, because of this some people may need ear wax clearing every 3-4 months, although for most people it may be once or twice a year. There is no upper limit on how often the procedure can be performed.
Do you see children?
We can only see children aged 14 years and over.
Got more questions?
Get in touch with us by emailing info@earmattersexeter.co.uk, give us a call on 07541 384915 or fill in the contact form and we’ll be happy to answer any queations.