Covid-19 Policy
In response to COVID-19 pandemic, we are operating using safety measures in line with National Guidelines. Our priority is the safety of our clients as well as ourselves.
Before booking an appointment, we ask every client to do a personal risk assessment, reading and referring to the questions below, to see if we can treat you.If you answer yes to any of the below we cannot treat you at the moment.
Have you or anyone in your Household had Covid in the last 14 days?.
Have you or anyone in your Household had a temperature of 37.8C in the last 14 days?.
Have you or anyone in your household had a loss of taste or smell in the last 14 days?.
Have you our anyone in your household had a new and continuous cough in the last 14 days?
Have you or anyone in your Household been in contact with someone with Covid in the last 14 days
Have you or anyone in your household been told to self Isolate in the last 14 days